Sunday, January 24, 2010

The best laid plans gone astray....

The power lifting competition--for which I've already paid my entry fee--is February 27th. Oooh. My muscles just contracted when I wrote that! In order to have a competitive edge (and not have to lift enormous amounts of weight), I've got to lose ten pounds by then. Ten pounds. That should be something I, a nutrition expert, should be able to accomplish without much angst. Fruits and vegetables. Lean meats and fish. Low fat dairy. Whole grains. Eat only when hungry and eat just until satisfied. Come on. This should be a slam dunk for me. Right?
Eating out. Have to do it. Want to do it. It's my social life. Order sensibly? Don't want to do it.
Here's how my mind works: In the car driving to movies: Passing by Italian restaurant--"Mmmm. Meatballs and spaghetti". Passing by Japanese restaurant: "Mmmmm. Tempura." Passing by French restaurant: "Mmmmm. Frisee salad with lardons and poached egg."
Understand, it wasn't dinnertime and I wasn't yet hungry. Still, all the visual cues kept my mind on food--and none of it "diet" foods.
Even told friends with whom we spent the evening that I would be sticking to my "training" diet. Thought it would help me if I made that commitment at the start of the evening. But, no.
Got to the restaurant and lost my commitment immediately. Four people: Five appetizers, four entrees, four desserts.
The food and company were fabulous. I'm not sorry. I just wish I could understand how people do it. How do people lose weight and keep it off? How do they commit to a life of constant vigilance? How do they eat out and skip over the luscious food they want to eat? Even if the "healthier" fare is delicious as well?
Last night's meal had nothing to do with "emotional" eating. I wasn't depressed or sad or stressed. No one would have cared what I ordered. There was no outside pressure to consume huge quantities. And, in truth, I didn't walk away stuffed but rather satisfied. Many different flavors, textures and temperatures made the meal extremely satisfying.
Ah, well. Today is a new day. Which could mean, I am newly committed to a healthier way of eating or it could mean.....I have the opportunity to eat something wonderful at a restaurant of my choosing. Incorrigible me.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Lots of WATER while eating out.
Ask for the doggy bag before you finish?

Now, what power lifting competition? What lift(s) are you doing and what's your current 1RM? I'm just now learning my own 1RMs while doing CrossFit.