Friday, June 4, 2010

When worlds collide

Standing on (in?) line at supermarket and reading the cover of women's magazine: "Lose weight for life". Cover photo? A big heaping plate of luscious fried chicken. Side by side. No kidding. Did editorial staff make a blunder? Did anyone notice the juxtaposition of gloriously caloric fried chicken and touting diet article? Should have bought magazine. A classic.


Chelsea Biondolillo said...

My mother was a huge fan of Family Circle and Women's Day mags... Most every month they featured a dessert as the cover picture and some sort of fad diet and exercise program as one of the lead stories... It's no wonder folks have trouble staying healthy!

Unknown said...

First is a major mixed signal offender too -every month a diet and a cake share the cover.

Shannon said...

So true! Or lost 10 pounds in 5 days! Or another mixed message that I see a lot is when there is a topic such as "body acceptance" with photos of air-brushed models throughout the magazine!